So I responded to an add requesting models with wedding dresses, and since I just got married last October, I still have my wedding dress. I've been thinking, it was so much fun having my photo taken at our wedding, that I wouldn't mind being the model again. Besides, its a good idea to take a break from being behind the camera and spend some time in front of it. My grandpa was a photographer, and I treasure the photos he took, but I am sad that he didn't spend more time in front of the camera, because while I have his images, I don't have that many images of him! I plan on trying to get out from behind the lens at least once or twice a year and getting my photos taken, so my children or grand children don't have to go without like I have to.
On to the fun stuff... Jona Lee Photography is the one that posted the request for models, and I actually know her through a close friend. She is an aspiring photographer like me, and we have many of the same interests. I am really looking forward to the photo shoot, and sharing ideas and just getting to chat with another person who knows how hard it is to live off a business that many people consider a 'luxury' that can't afford during times of economic trouble. So I will let you know how the photo shoot goes, and if I get permission I will post a photo or two of it as well.
Wanna see what me wedding dress looks like? here it is!
ooh, also, check out Jona's blog here