In addition to my own projects I'm working on, I'm really trying hard to advertise myself as a maternity photographer. I really enjoy shooting senior portraits and weddings, and kids, but my true love is maternity photography! This is one of my favorite images from my most recent photography job. She is so beautiful, and so confident in her body. I love the way her hip is popped to the side and the little smirk on her face. These photos were taken in my parents' living room. I had to take all my moms pictures off the wall to hang my sheet and set the couch in front of the door so my gumpy puppy wouldn't come and attack my model! Fortunately, my model is also a best friend, so she is used to my parents' house and my puppy as well. I am still trying to figure out a studio that would be good for strangers. I have an apartment that is very private in Ypsilanti, but when I'm doing a shoot in Lansing, it has to either be location, or at my subject's house. I do love outdoor photography though, and its my favorite for senior photos, so maybe I will try that with maternity shots this summer. enjoy, and feel free to comment!